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eMabler UI

Managing tariffs

In eMabler platform tariffs are managed in a centralized place. Idea is that you need to create tariffs only once and then link them to sites or integrations as needed.

Creating a new tariff

1. You can create a new tariff by navigating to "Tariffs" page and clicking "Add tariff"

2. You need to give your new tariff a name. It is recommended that the name is as descriptive as possible, to make managing multiple tariffs easier in the future.

3. Select the currency for the tariff.

4. Select the tariff type for your new tariff. Tariff types follow the OCPI protocol.

5. You can set price limits for the tariff. These are optional.

6. You can optionally also set time range when the tariff will be valid.

7. After you have inputted all the tariff information, by click "Next" you can move into adding the price elements for the tariff.

8. You can select Tariff Dimension type, price and tax percentage. Step size is unfortunately not yet modifiable by the user.

9. You can also add multiple price elements to a single tariff if you choose. This allows the creation of very flexible tariffs which contain for example a flat starting fee with energy consumption related fee as well.

10. Click "Create tariff" and you are done!

Now you can view your newly create tariff and make changes if necessary.